The IEP Learning Academy is hosting ‘Discover the Power of IEP Learning’ Insight sessions from May 13th to May 17th to celebrate Learning at Work Week! First up is a session on the Certificate in Employability Practice (Cert EP), in which Karen Gourlay MAIEP – our Learning Impact of the Year 2023 winner – found to be one of the best decisions she’s made, as it has significantly benefited her job as Personal Advisor at Fedcap Scotland.
“It’s given me the confidence and ability to have difficult conversations with people; conversations that people usually shy away from, exploring what their barriers are and trying to overcome these barriers with them,” Karen said.
“Things like physical and mental wellbeing, personal hygiene, being in debt, family background and criminal records. Going through all of that with these people and having the confidence to speak about it rather than just skip around what the issue is and hoping it will never come up and will go away.
“Even if they don’t always take onboard everything thing you say, there’s always some wee chance that they will grasp it with both hands and take it onboard. It’s definitely brought me out of my shell.
“This has been so invaluable for me.”
Karen highlights the significant support the Learning Academy provided her throughout the programme.
“There’s never a time I haven’t been able to ask a question, and somebody’s come back and given me the answer or pointed me in the right direction. It’s so good to know that you’ve got these people behind you, willing you on and willing you to do well and encouraging you to complete the course.”
Karen was “totally astounded” to have her learning success celebrated and recognised at the IEP Learning Awards 2023.
“I never thought for a minute that I would win the Learning Impact of the Year Award. It’s absolutely amazing. I’m so honoured to be awarded for basically doing my job, helping people into work, and supporting, coaching them. I cannot put into words how I feel about winning the award. It’s just unreal.”
Interested in learning more about Karen’s journey and the Cert EP? Watch Karen’s interview with Emma Williams MAIEP, the IEP’s L&D Business Partner and Cert EP Lead Assessor & IQA, here.