The IEP extend our congratulations to Sir Keir Starmer and his Labour Party colleagues on their recent election victory. We look forward to working with the new government to ensure employability services are accessible to all who need them and are provided by people who understand their unique requirements. Engagement, employability, and skills must be seamlessly integrated to be successful.
The new government faces the critical task of improving employment and skills to create and develop growth within our economy and widen opportunities for all. Achieving these goals will require cooperation amongst government, trade unions, employers, devolved administrations, and community groups, ultimately leading to a fairer and more prosperous country.
IEP Group CEO Scott Parkin FIEP stated: “The new government has a responsibility to listen to the people and learn from these election results. We are living in a rapidly changing world, and while the future is uncertain, the election outcome reminds us that we all have a voice and the power to use it.
Many individuals are struggling with the cost of living, even many of those that are already employed. Some are working multiple jobs to make ends meet. While the government must focus on addressing low pay and ensuring work is rewarding, we in the employability sector play a crucial role in developing people’s skills to help them gain and progress in employment. This is particularly important for those who are most disadvantaged or face more barriers to employment than most. We also have a duty to support people in finding employment that has favourable working conditions and to help them advance in their careers, thereby enhancing the UK’s productivity overall. The services the employability sector provides are essential and highly valuable in creating a fair and thriving economy. The IEP will continue to promote the benefits of developing our Members, so they are fully equipped to provide this high-quality support that people deserve.
“We are excited to work with the new government to turn these aims into reality. We welcome the opportunity to inform and influence the necessary changes to support our mission ‘The IEP is dedicated to supporting those who support others gain work, progress in work and retain work’ and our vision ‘Employability professionals everywhere are the best they can be’.
This was the #Employability Election and the IEP is committed to working with the new government to ensure a robust labour market that benefits everyone. The election result underscores the need for a stronger focus on domestic policies. The new government must urgently address welfare support, social mobility, opportunities for young people and individuals with disabilities, and the devolution agenda to deliver truly inclusive policies. The Employment Related Services Association (ERSA’s) election ‘Manifesto’ highlights key solutions that should now be prioritised:
1. Sustainable commissioning
2. A fairer labour market
3. Access to provision
4. Meeting the needs of employers
5. Health solutions for work.
We have a wealth of data, insights and evidence gathered through our extensive network of Fellows, Members, and Partners, as well as our Centre for Employability Excellence (CfEE). Also, through our Quality Improvement Framework (QIF), the sector is better equipped than ever before to provide high-quality services that have a meaningful and positive impact on the people our sector supports. We are eager and ready to assist the new government in shaping policies based on ‘what works’ evidence and we look forward to engaging in further discussions that will positively impact the sector, ensuring that frontline service providers are fully prepared and equipped to support the government’s initiatives aimed at helping Britain get back to work.