We are excited to announce the launch of our Over 50s e-Learning Program, designed to help Employability professionals to better understand the issues facing over-50s jobseekers and how they can best be supported to return to work through tailored support.
Covering issues from health conditions to caring responsibilities the course provides employability practitioners with a strong understanding of the barriers that people over the age of 50 can face in getting into work, and the tools available to help individuals overcome them.
This exciting learning program, which can be accessed for free by IEP Australia Members as part of their membership package, aligns with the recent Inquiry findings that identified “discrimination against older persons… as a systemic problem and a considerable barrier to their enjoyment of human rights, [with major] social and economic costs.”
In response to these challenges, and in line with the government and employment services’ commitment to creating inclusive work environments and supporting older persons back into work, our Over 50s course is now available for Members to enrol and access straight away.
Contact learning-aus@iemployability.org to enrol.