Register of Professional Practitioners
The Register of Professional Practitioners is an important achievement for those in the employability sector.
Members who complete the IEP Accredited Employability Essentials or any of our certificate-level learning are showcased on the Register, highlighting your achievements and proving your professional status.
- Lucas
- Abbiati
- Toufiq
- Abhir
- Karen
- Adamson
- Zoya
- Ahmed
- Team Leader - Work Well
- Zabeena
- Akhtar
- Restart Advisor
- Christopher
- Anderson
- Restart Advisor
- Amanda
- Andrews
- Michelle
- Appleton
- Carmen
- Baccino
- Toyin
- Bakare
- Alexandra
- Bayley-Kaye
- Employment Advisor
- Jemma
- Beatty
- Maryam
- Bello-Tukur
- Employability Programme Manager
- Emma
- Bennett
- MA (Cantab) PGCE
- Team Manager, Local Supported Employment Salford
- Ian
- Benson
- Business Advisor
- Kyla
- Benson
- Richard
- Benton
- Complaints Manager
- Annabel
- Bloomfield
- Nicole
- Bloor
- Zoe
- Bond
- Daniel
- Brown
- Rebecca
- Brown
- BSc (Hons) AIEP
- Employment Officer
- Kim
- Buckley
- Catherine
- Burton
- Barbara
- Byers
- Gill
- Carr
- Andre
- Carvalho
- Mr.
- Donna
- Catterall
- Rhian
- Chilvers
- Partnership Coordinator
- Rebecca
- Clargo
- Sarah
- Clark
- Gareth
- Clarke
- Employment Advisor
- Tamarah
- Clelland
- Paul
- Codau
- Hannah
- Cook
- Helen
- Cottom
- Performance Manager
- Stuart
- Coulden
- Leanne
- Coulson
- employment advisor
- Stephen
- Cox
- Karl
- Crossley
- Lead Employment Advisor
- Karren
- Culshaw
- Quality and Compliance Manager
- Natasha
- Davies
- Victoria
- Davies-Cavill
- Learning & Development Manager
- Wayne
- Deane
- Amy
- Driscoll
- Restart Adviser
- Debbie
- Dymock
- Career Development Practitioner | Professional CV Writer | CEIAG Trainer & Assessor
- Gary
- Elkins
- Employment Coach
- Evelyn
- Elwes
- Jean
- Esnard
- Susan
- Euler-Ajayi
- Engagement Coordinator
- Melanie
- Farnell
- Employment Coach
- Hannah
- Fawdrey
- Kourtney
- Fearon-Reid
- Fiona
- Fletcher
- Development Manager
- Joanne
- freeman
- employment advisor
- Ulli
- Fry
- Consultant Employment Specialist
- Edward
- Gidigbi
- Tracey
- Glentworth
- Employability Coach
- Kate
- Goodwin
- Performance Excellence Partner
- Anthony
- Gordon
- Consultant Employment Specialist
- Karen
- Gourlay
- Personal Advisor
- Jade
- Green
- Diane
- Gunning
- Employment Development Coordinator
- Sarah
- Hamlin
- Specialist Key worker
- Trevor
- Hardman
- Katie
- Harrison
- Restart Advisor
- Mike
- Harvey
- Employment Coach
- Desmond
- Hayward
- Employment Key worker for the council
- Keely
- Heath
- Performance Manager
- James
- Higgins
- Rachel
- Higgins-Kay
- Lucy
- Hirst
- Georgia
- Hodskinson
- Team Leader
- Katherine
- Holme
- Key Worker
- Debbie
- Holmes
- Emplyoment Specialist
- Kelly
- Holsgrove
- Advisor
- Christina
- Hudson
- Work Coach
- Tia
- Hughes
- Employment Advisor
- Mellisa
- Hurst
- Nadia
- Hussain
- Employment Support Advisor
- Jo
- Iles
- Lincoln
- James
- Hannah
- Jenkins
- Employer Relations Manager
- Katie
- Johns
- Employment Advisor
- Shanai
- Johnson
- Julie
- Keen
- Alex
- Kempster
- Employment Advisor
- Kristina Jayne
- Key
- Employment Advisor
- Zarqa
- Khavas
- Karolina
- Kowalska
- Carl
- Lewis
- Career Advisor
- Donna
- Linton
- Regional Employer Services Manager
- Phedorah
- Lisbie
- Caseworker
- Courtney
- Llewellyn
- Andrew
- Lord
- David
- Lyons
- Employment development Co-ordinator
- Sean
- Maher
- Parshotam
- Mahey
- Saraiya
- Mahmood
- Shezan
- Mahmud
- Business Lead
- Damien
- Mallett
- Callum
- McDiarmid
- Personal Advisor
- Sana
- Mehmood
- Key Worker
- Foysol
- Miah
- Mr
- Shelley
- Milligan
- Dawn
- Minshull
- Hub Manager IAG Services
- Gary
- Mitchell
- Business Manager
- Amelia Claire
- Morgan
- Jade
- Morgan
- Marco
- Murdocca
- Team Leader
- Connor
- Murphy
- Key Worker
- Donna
- Musa
- Fatimah
- Nagshband
- Rhys
- Nelson
- Caseworker
- Aleem
- Ollivierre
- Employment advisor
- Kay
- Palmer
- Luke
- Parker
- Michelle
- Peakman
- Business Manager
- Hayley
- Phillips
- Mark
- Power
- Employment advisor
- Linda
- Price
- Delivery Manager
- Sara
- Price
- Restart Advisor
- Julie
- Probert
- Employment and Resettlement Coordinator
- John
- Pybus
- Nora
- Quigley
- Employability and Skills Officer
- Udham
- Rathore
- Mr
- Jon Antony
- Rees
- Jackie
- Robinson
- Don
- Rouse
- Team Leader
- Catherine
- Russell
- Justyna
- Rychlicka
- Employability Coach
- Aldwin
- Samuel
- Andy
- Savva
- L&D Manager
- Elaine
- Schulze
- Sheeja
- Sethumadhavan
- Advisor
- Stephen
- Sharp
- Employment Advisor
- Vicky
- Shields
- Employment Adviser
- Susan
- Short
- Rachel
- Slater
- Julie
- Sleigh
- Victoria
- Smith
- Progression Coach
- Nicola
- Smith-James
- Performance Manager
- Roksana
- Sniecikowska
- Rhona
- Stanway
- Employability Trainer
- Arron
- Stewart
- Emma
- Stewart
- Skills Manager
- Lindsay
- Storrar
- Career Coach
- Tracey
- Swarbrick
- Employabillity Support Apprentice
- Wayne
- Tettey
- Gabrielle
- Thomas
- Georgia
- Thomas
- Jennifer
- Thomas
- Jonas
- Vahtra
- Mr
- Priya
- Veerasami
- Ms
- Jessica
- Veitch
- Janelle
- Vickers
- Yogesh
- Vyas
- Gayle
- Wade
- Andrea
- Warren
- Finance and Project Officer
- Bradley
- Whitfield
- IPS Employment Specialist
- Lee
- Wild
- Richard
- Winnett
- Employability Coach
- Jacqueline
- Winton
- Employability Learning Coordinator
- Zed
- Woldehana
- Employment Restart Adviosr
- Lisa
- Woodward
- Sandra
- Wright
- Dawn
- Yarwood
- Ivan
- Yip
- Case Manager
- Maziar
- Zahedimajd
- Advisor
- Sheryl
- Zenovia
- Cleopatra
- Zifiglio
- Employment AdvisorCoach
- Laurisa
- Zuba