There is no quick fix to the economic inactivity problem – Professor Christina Beatty IEP Journal Guest Editor and Professor | Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research | Sheffield Hallam University

The benefits of a model of locality-based, personalised employment support for lone parents – Professor Sarah Pearson | Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research | Sheffield Hallam University

Back to the workforce: boosting participation – Patrick Hughes FIEP | Chair | Groundwork East and Director | Salientwork Ltd

From the frontline – Maryam Bello-Tukur AIEP | IPES Keyworker | Shaw Trust

What role can early intervention support play in preventing economic inactivity? – Dr Richard Crisp | Reader at the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research (CRESR) at Sheffield Hallam University

Integrating employment support: leveraging learnings from Individual Placement and Support – Professor Adam Whitworth | Strathclyde Business School | University of Strathclyde

Locally designed provision to address health-related economic inactivity: Working Win in South Yorkshire – Ruth Speare | Consultant in Public Health | South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority

Working with employers to tackle economic inactivity – Dr Katy Jones | Research Fellow – Centre for Decent Work and Productivity | Manchester Metropolitan University Business School

Potential Second Earners in Couples: a Well-Hidden Treasure Trove – Your Work Your Way Project Team | Child Poverty Action Group