A Note from the Editor – Laura Davis, Chief Executive at BASE and Inclusive Trading CIC

Supported Employment: Why Does Model Fidelity Matter? – Professor Adam Whitworth, Strathclyde Business School, University of Strathclyde

Enabling, Empowering and the Exiting, the Life of a Job Coach – Craig Maloney, Team Leader, Careers Coach & Disability Advocate London Borough of Hackney

Employment support is not the same as Supported Employment – Julia Green, Supported Employment Manager at North Northamptonshire Council | National Chair at BASE-UK

Employers need a different kind of support – Lee Corless, Head of Global Expansion, People & Culture Rangam Consultants

The UK government’s Disability Confident Scheme: What Might the Future Hold? – Kim Hoque, Professor of Human Resource Management at King’s Business School, King’s College

Authentic and Resilient Leadership: Bee The Change – Dr Shirley Woods-Gallagher PHD, Executive Director | New Bridge Group Trustee | Respect for All

Widening Your Talent Pool with Reverse Job Fairs – Gillian Parker Membership & Communications Manager for BASE and Inclusive Trading CIC BASE-UK (British Association for Supported Employment), and Emma Shepherd BSC(HON), MSC, CHARTERED MCIPD, Owner & Founder of Let’s Talk Disability & M’s Cafe

What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? Never Too Young To Embed Employability Into The Education Curriculum – Alicia Moyles, Assistant Director – post 16 at The Education People

Tech: Everyone’s Business – Elizabeth Wilkins, Assistant Principal: Accessibility and Digital Applications at The Oaks Specialist College

Supported Self-Employment: Inspiring the Disabled Community – Sam Everard FIEP, Founder and CEO of SAMEE

7 Steps to an Inclusive Supported Apprenticeship – Daxa Parmar, Young Peoples Programme Line Lead and Harriet Lee, Digital Communications Officer at Little Gate Farm

Universal Support: Taking Supported Employment to Scale – Julia Gault CBE, Deputy Director Universal Support Policy at the Department for Work and Pensions

How Supported Employment is Changing Lives – Ramsay Taylor, Durham County Council’s Supported Employment Manager & BASE North East National Executive Committee Representative