IEP Award in AI for Employability

Who is this Program for?

  • First-line employability managers.
  • Frontline employability practitioners.

Program Overview

As we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of technology, we must embrace the limitless potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI). With its ability to learn and adapt, AI has become a driving force behind countless advances in our daily lives. From personalised recommendations to medical diagnoses, AI is transforming the way we live and work.

Utilising AI tools can empower frontline employability practitioners with innovative technologies, ethical frameworks, and data-driven approaches. These tools can support practitioners in delivering more efficient, personalised, and effective services to participants, enhancing their ability to navigate the job market, identify suitable career paths, and prepare for successful job applications and interviews.

The IEP Award in AI for Employability provides employability practitioners with the opportunity to gain specialist AI insights and to explore the incredible possibilities that AI offers in the employability sector, equipping you with practical tools to effectively apply AI with your participants to help support them into sustainable work.

On successful completion of the IEP Award in AI for Employability a Certificate of Achievement and digital badge is awarded by the IEP.

Structure and Timings

This is a blended learning program. Combining virtual classroom sessions, learner activities, and portfolio creation. The course has three levels of accreditation – bronze, silver and gold, depending on the amount of extra learning activity completed.

Bronze – 2-hour interactive eLearning session plus 3-hour Social and Collaborative Session.

Silver – Additional 4 hours of self-directed study.

Gold – Additional 2 hours of self-directed study.

Learning Delivery and Assessment Method

Combining virtual classroom sessions, learner activities, and portfolio creation, the IEP Award in AI for Employability starts by introducing learners to common AI platforms before exploring the ethical considerations and implications of AI. The remaining sessions focus on the direct application of AI on the front-line including how to create and tailor CV’s, prepare participants for interviews, conduct skills audit and skills gap analysis and produce career development plans.

Subjects Covered

An Overview of AI

Embark on a journey through the fascinating world of artificial intelligence. From its historical roots to its modern-day applications, AI has evolved into a transformative force that permeates nearly every aspect of our lives. This learning aims to provide you with a comprehensive overview of AI.

Ethical Considerations in AI

As AI becomes increasingly integrated into various aspects of society, it is crucial to understand the ethical implications that accompany its deployment. This module aims to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical frameworks and legislative measures that underpin ethical AI practices, while also addressing the critical issues of bias and fairness.

Data Analysis in AI

In this module on data analysis and AI, we explore the transformative power of data-driven insights and the ethical responsibilities that come with harnessing this potential. In today’s digital age, organisations across industries rely on data analysis to make informed decisions and drive innovation. This module aims to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively conduct data analysis while upholding ethical standards, especially regarding data protection under GDPR regulations.

AI and the Journey to Work

In this module on AI and the Work Journey, we will explore the intersection of artificial intelligence and career development. In today’s rapidly evolving job market, AI is revolutionising the way individuals navigate their professional paths, from crafting CV’s and cover letters to preparing for interviews and beyond. This module aims to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to make use of AI tools effectively throughout the work journey.


Assessment is via knowledge checks during each module. For Silver and Gold accreditation, evidence of learning is submitted and feedback provided by the assessor.

Benefits of Learning

Understanding AI tools and their potential

The learning covers identifying various AI tools, their purposes, and providers relevant to the employability sector. This knowledge can help practitioners recognise the potential applications of AI and make informed decisions about integrating appropriate tools into their practice.

By examining the benefits and challenges associated with using AI in employability settings, practitioners can develop a balanced perspective and strategies to maximise the advantages while mitigating potential risks or limitations.

The learning focuses on the skill of crafting prompts for AI tools, ensuring accuracy, and capturing the nuances of participants’ needs. Effective prompting can enhance the quality of AI-generated outputs and tailor them to individual participant circumstances.

Practitioners will gain insights into the ethical implications of AI algorithms, potential biases, and fairness issues. This understanding can help them develop strategies to ensure transparency, accountability, and inclusivity when utilising AI technologies, protecting participants’ rights and avoiding discrimination.

The learning covers the use of AI platforms for optimising CVs, aligning them with job requirements, and conducting skills audits and gap analyses. These tools can assist practitioners in providing personalised career guidance, identifying transferable skills, and creating tailored development plans for participants.

By learning how to leverage AI for analysing job market trends and mapping skills to different career paths, practitioners can offer more accurate and data-driven career advice, helping participants make informed decisions and explore suitable job opportunities.

The learning equips practitioners with AI-powered tools for generating mock interview questions, assessing soft skills, and matching job roles with appropriate interview questions. This can enhance participants’ preparedness for job interviews and help them highlight their relevant skills and qualifications.

By integrating AI tools into their workflows, practitioners can potentially save time on repetitive tasks, such as CV analysis, skills assessments, and job market research, allowing them to focus more on providing personalised support and guidance to participants.

"An excellent course that has really opened my mind and changed my whole perspective on the use of AI technology in my role... Before I took the course, I would have vehemently resisted using ANY 'AI Tools' as part of my employment specialist role... Through the experiences I have gained on this course and the exercises I have undertaken as part of this training, I have completely changed my opinion. I now see that these AI tools can be a useful addition to our skill set and by using them well, using them properly, safely, carefully and appropriately, they can improve our overall efficacy as employment specialists, ensuring that we remain true to our skills, knowledge and experience, but at the same time, improving our output rate and helping our clients to upskill and use them too."
- Grant Huck AIEP
IPS Employment Specialist | Blackpool Council


Award in AI for Employability – Bronze

Award in AI for Employability – Silver

Award in AI for Employability – Gold

Potential discounts for volume, smaller organisations, charities, not-for-profits and self-funders are available. Please contact to discuss.

Unit Rate






Unit Rate (Inc VAT)


