IEP Award in Coaching for Employability

Who is this Program for?

  • Frontline practitioners and managers.
  • Anyone keen to develop coaching skills, wellbeing strategies, emotional intelligence and behavioural nudging.

Program Overview

The role of an employability practitioner is demanding and, at times, extremely stressful. There are so many challenges to overcome – high caseloads, disengaged clients with complex needs, competing priorities and pressure to meet targets. It can be easy to lose confidence, motivation and enjoyment in helping people find employment.

This program gives frontline practitioners practical and powerful wellbeing and work-readiness strategies to support, influence, and nudge job seekers towards positive employment outcomes.

On successful completion of the IEP Award in Coaching for Employability learners receive a digital badge and lifetime access to the Way Finders Academy for ongoing support.

Structure and Timings

This is a blended learning program with bronze, silver and gold awards.

Bronze accreditation will be achieved by learners completing The PEARLS System eLearning including knowledge checks and submitting their Workbooks for review.

Silver accreditation will be achieved by learners completing the Job Coach Certification eLearning modules including knowledge checks, attending the virtual social and collaborative sessions and submitting their workbooks for review.

Gold Level Accreditation will be achieved by learners completing the Job Coach Certification eLearning modules including knowledge checks, attending the virtual social and collaborative sessions, submitting their workbooks for review and passing the live virtual assessment.


Learning Delivery & Assessment Method

This Program consists of dynamic video content, eLearning, interactive activities, social and collaborative learning sessions, learning journals and self-reflection. Learners are assessed via digital knowledge checks, learning journal evidence and scenario-based assessments.

Skills Rehearsal & Assessment

All learners must complete knowledge checks embedded in the eLearning, Silver and Gold will have their learning journals reviewed, and Gold learners will undertake an assessment.

Subjects Covered

The PEARLS System

The IEP Award in Coaching for Employability includes learning developed by Bounce Australia – The PEARLS System for Outstanding Job Coaching and Bounce Job Coach Certification.

The PEARLS System is the perfect introduction to job coaching. Presented as an online digital learning short-course, complete with supporting downloadable resources, the training provides anyone working in employment services with an understanding of what it takes to be a highly effective job coach, and gives them the foundational skills and resources they need to start getting great client outcomes.

The Job Coach System

4 modules of dynamic learning and training that will completely change the way you work with your participants. The training is expertly designed and delivered and is guaranteed to give you world-class coaching skills.

Additional Resource

Learners will be able to access IEP Podcasts, IEP LiveLearnLunch Recordings from subject matter experts, Knowledge Bank resources and a dedicated AwardCE Resource Page (this will be in the form of a Microsoft Sway).

“I feel empowered by the training and able to mentor my clients in more ways than one. The training has opened my mind to the real outcomes and changes I can nudge my clients and myself towards."
- Josephine Bain


Award in Coaching for Employability (PEARLS only) – Bronze

Award in Coaching for Employability – Silver

Award in Coaching for Employability – Gold

Potential discounts for volume, smaller organisations, charities, not-for-profits and self-funders are available. Please contact to discuss.

Unit Rate






Unit Rate (Inc VAT)



