Leadership in Employability – Christopher Martin FIEP | Operations Manager WHP | Seetec Pluss

Am I a Leader? – Gemma Medlicott | Employment Adviser | Seetec Pluss

The life-changing role of a Business Manager – Daniel Howard FIEP | Operations Director – Learning for Work | NCFE

Are you a Manager or a Leader? – Anthony Dandrea AHS BSc | Regional Supply Chain Manager – JETS WLA Advisory Board Member | Shaw Trust Foundation

Leadership & Management – The Military and the Transition to the Civilian World –
Matt Sellick AIEP | Implementation Analyst | Manpower UK

Boutique Leadership – Liz Sewell FIEP | Director | Belina Consulting

Leading to Wellness – Manley Hopkinson FRSA FRGS | Founder & Director | The Compassionate Leadership Company

Attract, Retain, and Grow your people to grow your impact and the role of leaders – Safaraz Ali FIEP | Chief Executive | Pathway Group

Great Leadership – Creating a Circle of Safety – Debbie Braid FIEP | Head of Development | WISE Ability

The Trust Leap – Andy Milne MIEP | Head of The Better Health Generation UK | The Better Health Generation UK

How to Lead with Purpose – Chris Blackwell | CEO | Purpose Led Performance

Leading with Respect and Agility to Create Impact – Rhys Morris | Managing Partner | Palladium

Putting Values at the Heart of Leadership – David Phillips | Managing Director | City & Guilds

Leadership – more complicated than it looks? – Afterword from David Imber FIEP