IEP Award in Mental Health for Employability

Who is this Program for?

  • Frontline practitioners

Program Overview

This program is developed in partnership with mental health training specialists Big Dog Little Dog (BDLD CIC).

It is designed to equip frontline practitioners with the knowledge and understanding of a range of mental health conditions and the tools and resources they need to effectively support jobseekers – in both conversation and signposting – with both diagnosed and undiagnosed mental health issues in their journey to employment or work-based goals.

Successful completion of the course will see learners receive an IEP Accredited Certificate of Achievement, a digital badge for each module completed, and an IEP Award in Mental Health for Employability Practitioner digital badge.

Structure and Timings

This is an eLearning program with built-in knowledge checks. It is structured so that learners can focus on a specific topic for 15-20 minutes, then reflect on how to take this back and apply it to their work. The program consists of more than 4 hours of learning broken down into 6 main modules (around 30-40 minutes each).

Subjects Covered

Understanding Mental Health

In this module we explore the meaning of mental health, the fact that we all have it and that programme participants are more prone to experiencing mental health challenges. It also covers the initial steps to support them on their journey.

Understanding Mental Health from an Unemployment Perspective

In this module we look at the impact of unemployment on mental health, how practitioners can have an informal but active role in mental health recovery and how to normalise conversations and better understand mental health conditions.

Supporting Someone Living With Depression

This module looks at the definition of depression, the common causes and the types of activities participants can do to help with low mood; Treatments beyond medication and how to make it a regular conversation to help with recovery.

Understanding Anxiety

This module discusses anxiety and how it is a normal natural emotion that can become unhealthy, looking at triggers and methods to cope, and how to discuss treatments and activities with participants.

Suicide Awareness

Dedicated to supporting unemployed programme participants, this module concentrates on three key areas: the correlation between unemployment and suicide, identifying warning signs in programme participants, and how to respond if a participant expresses suicidal thoughts.

Understanding Self-harm

In this module we’ll look at how self-harm is defined, its distinctions and connections to suicide, reasons why a program participant might be engaging in self-harm, methods they may employ, available treatments, and how we, as frontline practitioners, can provide effective support to participants engaging in self-harm.

The award has helped me to not pre-judge people and to look deeper into people’s behaviour before having an opinion on their character. Most people in employability schemes have been out of work for a long time so will be starting to show symptoms or be on the periphery of progressing into danger zones. It has made it easier to spot triggers and early signs of mental health issues, giving me more confidence in my decision making. I think the more educated we are around this then the more we can help people."
- Mark Power MIEP
Employment Advisor | Palladium


Award in Mental Health for Employability

Potential discounts for volume, smaller organisations, charities, not-for-profits and self-funders are available. Please contact to discuss.

Unit Rate



Unit Rate (Inc VAT)
